Sevier Vision & Mission

Mission Statement:

We provide a safe, high-quality learning environment where all students become competent, self-reliant, curious, and creative citizens who pursue personal excellence and contribute meaningfully to their community.

Sevier Shared Vision

Academic Excellence:

  • To become a school where instruction has real-world relevance, higher level thinking in instruction and student performance, rigor in all areas, and where authentic assessments reflect high expectations for achievement.
  • In this school, students will crave learning and openly share pride in their achievement.

Developmental Responsiveness:

  • To become a school where adolescent needs and interests are high priority, students are supported and encouraged, and receive instruction that incorporates choice, creative expression, and real-world applications.

Social Equity: To become a school where:

  • diverse groups of our community are actively engaged in school processes
  • students demonstrate learning in a variety of ways
  • we create awareness of and respect for differing perspectives
  • we recognize learning differences between genders and create classroom experiences that result in success for each learner
  • we address student achievement gaps to enable access to the highest levels of learning

Organizational Structures:

  • To become a school structured to promote a positive and organized learning environment of teachers, administrators, community members, parents and students. School organization will provide for the full range of student needs (academic, social, emotional, and personal), foster the on-going growth and development of staff, and encourage expression and open communication from all stakeholders of the school community.

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