
Bryson Middle School

Math 8 Syllabus


Instructor: Karen Childress

Phone Number: 355-2149 Room Number: D104

Email: Helpful Website:

Teacher’s Daily Schedule

1st Period Planning 8:30 – 9:15

2nd Period Planning 9:18 – 10:10

3rd Period Math 8 10:15 – 11:15

4th Period Math 8 and Lunch 11:20 – 1:05

5th Period Math 8 1:10 – 2:10

6th Period Math 8 2:15 – 3:15

Course Description

This standards-based eighth grade course places strong emphasis on applications of the mathematical concepts and skills related to decimals, fractions, percents, and integers to solving a variety of real-world problems. In addition, students will extend their understanding of the concepts proportion and measurement and apply this knowledge in problem-solving situations. Students will further develop their algebraic thinking by investigating the merits and limitations of graphical, symbolic, tabular, and verbal representations of relationships. Throughout the course there is an emphasis on the process standards of problem-solving, communication, reasoning, representations, and connections.

The content and pace of the course are rigorous.

South Carolina State Standards:

You may view details for each standard on my webpage.

South Carolina State Standards

The Number System

8.NS.A. Know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by rational numbers.

Expressions & Equations

8.EE.A. Work with radicals and integer exponents.

8.EE.B. Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations.

8.EE.C. Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations.


8.F.A. Define, evaluate, and compare functions.

8.F.B. Use functions to model relationships between quantities.


8.G.A. Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.

8.G.B. Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.

8.G.C. Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres.

Statistics & Probability

8.SP.A. Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data.

Instructional Materials and Resources:

Primary text: Holt McDougal Mathematics Grade 8, Common Core Edition, 2012

Required Materials:

Notebook (your preference, used for math only), loose-leaf paper, pencils, erasers, pack of dry-erase markers, scientific calculator (TI 30 suggested) or at least a basic calculator

Minor and Major Assessments: Students are given one or two major tests and at least one quiz during each unit. Students are also given a benchmark test each nine weeks.

Calculation of Grades: Major Tests: 50% Grading Scale: 90-100 A

Minor Grades (quiz, homework, daily) 50% 80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

59 or lower F

Homework Policy: To provide extra practice and mastery of skills, homework is given. Students should record daily assignments in their agendas. Homework is checked for accuracy, but is only graded for completeness. For example, 100% means work was shown for every problem assigned. A 70 on a homework assignment means all the problems were not attempted. A student who experiences difficulty with a homework assignment and is unable to finish it should have a parent’s note. With a parent’s note, an incomplete assignment will not affect a student’s grade.

Missed Work/Make-up Policy: Students have five school days to make up work (including tests and quizzes) missed during an excused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to make an appointment before school, after school, or during courtyard time to make up tests and quizzes.

Rules for Student Behavior:

1. Be Safe and Orderly

o Hands and feet to self

o Quiet and seated when class


2. Maintain Accountability

o Do your own work

o Keep track of assignments

o Turn in assignments on time

o Ask for help when needed

3. Show Respect

o Follow teachers’ directions

o One person speaks at a time

o Stay in seat unless allowed to move or given permission to leave room

o Allow others the opportunity to learn

o Cooperate and work with classmates

Consequences: Any behavior that interferes with the learning of self or others cannot be allowed and will be dealt with accordingly and consistently. Such behavior will receive the following consequences:

1. Conference with student

2. Parent contact

3. Referral to administrator

Severe clause: Severe disruptions or violations will be referred immediately to an administrator.

Presentation of Rules and Procedures: It is the student’s responsibility to read and be aware of school rules, as stated in the student agenda. Additionally, teachers will explain, clarify, and emphasize rules throughout the school year.

Communication with Parents: Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have a questions or concerns.

· email me at

· send a note

· call me at school at 355-2149