
In Class

Come to class prepared - notebook, pencil, charged chromebook.

No phones during class.  Phones should be put away and zipped in a bag, not on the desk.  Parents, students will likely not respond to a text message right away.

Use class time wisely, work with peers, ask questions, participate in the activities and learn from them.  Do the assigned work in class; students that have struggled in Environmental Studies in the past have had many missing assignments.

at home

Homework may include finishing projects, watching a video to preview material, or studying for tests and quizzes.

There is not a set homework schedule, no busy homework will be assigned.  If homework is assigned, it is valuable for students and should be attempted.


If a student is absent, the first stop is Google Classroom.  If you know about an absence in advance, please let the teacher know.  Emailing when out is also the best way to keep up.  

If a student is absent, a zero will be put in the gradebook as a placeholder. The student will then have five days to complete any missing work. See the Late Work Policy in the syllabus for grading after 5 days.