3rd Grade Musical

3rd Grade Winter Musical

The 3rd graders at Crestview will be performing a fun winter musical called "Bring on the Snow!" during the Winter Concert on Monday, December 4th at 6pm. This event will be held at Greer High School.  Students are preparing during their music classes each week and are so excited to share this show with you.  Please go ahead and mark your calendars for this fun and free event. 

Dress Rehearsal: 

Students will be going on a field trip to Greer High School during the school day on Monday, December 4th to rehearse from 9:30am-11:30am.  This is free for the students and we will eat lunch after returning from the rehearsal. 


Monday, December 4th at 6:00pm at Greer High School

More information will come home later, but go ahead and save the date.  Thank you!

Jennifer Davis—jedavis@greenville.k12.sc.us—864-355-2684

Are You Interested in a Speaking Part?

The 3rd graders at Crestview will be performing a fun winter musical during the Winter Concert on Monday,  December 4th.  This event will be held at 6:00pm at Greer High School.  There are several speaking parts throughout the show.   If you are interested in trying out for a speaking part, please practice the lines marked with a red dot below.  ALL 3rd graders are participating in this musical, but only those interested in speaking parts will be considered for those roles.  

Auditions will be held before school in the music room on the following days:

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday,  October 24th - 26th from 7:15am-7:45am