
A safety program will assist the students in becoming conscious through the instructors actions and instruction. The program will give the student the sense of ownership, by understanding the correct ways of performing a task safety. Having them follow a safety program, they will be more likely to feel safe in school and also will follow the safe thoughts to out of school. Good housekeeping is a great trait to have in school and of course, at home, the parents would be thrilled! This will lead to a reduction in accidents.

Safety is freedom from danger, risks, and accidents that may result in injury, death and property damage. As an Instructor, role model and a parent, the students are always looking at you and will follow your lead. I will always wear my safety glasses in the lab; even though at a majority of jobsites they are not wearing them. We at GSCC are always trying to show the students the high road to the upper class of employers. It is easy to place a student at a fly by night contractor, just trying to make a buck. We teach our students that there is more to life then rushing through a project just to say you are done. Our class motto is “Image is everything”. What kind of image would you have if you are unsafe and missing some fingers and scared?

When the classroom is free of hazards like oil on the floor, tools on the ladders, electrical panels left opened, and then instruction section will then flow freely. The less time spent on safety violations, the more time will and can be spent on learning. Every safety mishap turns into a learning lesson for the class. That will mean one less safety violation to occur and the students will be on the look out for others before they become a problem.

student safety record and manual.docx