Contact information

To contact me, you may call me at 355-1916. During school hours, my voice mail will take messages. After school hours, the phone rings directly in the room. If I am available, I will answer. If not, my voice mail will pick up messages.

If you need extra help, I am available on Thursday afternoons after school Please email me for further information.

My e-mail is I check e-mail several times a day and even on the weekend. I will respond quickly if you email.

Please feel free to contact me in the best way for you.

For emergencies, you may use my cell phone number (864)420-4002.

My google classroom contains important information. You are encouraged to visit it frequently. I post important announcements and upcoming events, study guides, study aids, and class materials on the google classroom. Google classroom can be accessed through the student portal and then through the bookbag.

Parents: If you want to get updated weekly team e-mails please send me an e-mail with your current address and I'll add you to my list.