Student Information



As members of the Southside Learning Community, we have inherited Southside’s vision of this institution as a “high school Celebrating Diversity that is United in Learning.” Fundamental to this vision is a mutual commitment to truthfulness, honor, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of others. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of a diploma. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form.

Academic dishonesty is further defined as:

  • Giving, receiving, or using unauthorized aid, including the inappropriate use of electronic devices, in any work submitted to fulfill academic requirements. In examination situations all electronic devices must be off and stowed unless otherwise authorized by the instructor.
  • Plagiarism, which includes the intentional or unintentional copying of language, structure, or ideas of another and attributing the work to one’s own efforts;
  • Attempts to copy, edit, or delete computer files that belong to another person or use of computer accounts that belong to another person without the permission of the file owner or account owner



Regular attendance is critical to academic success. Students must be present at least half of the class period to be counted present. Students who are absent from class more than 10 days will not receive credit for the course. Absences excused by a doctor, court, or school administrator, which are excused, are the only exception. Tardies to class will be dealt with accordingly:

Southside High School Tardy Policy:

1st - 3rd Offense = warning

4th - 6th Offense = 1 hour detention

7th - 9th Offense = 2 hour detention, probation letter

10th - 12th Offense = 1 day of ISS/loss of parking privileges for 3 - 5 days

13th plus = shared responsibilities/OSS



Excused Absence:

You will be allowed to make up work, tests, quizzes, and projects within 1 day of each day absent, not to exceed 5 days (per district policy). Arrangements for making up missed work is the responsibility of the student! Missed notes, handouts, minor assignments, etc. will be located with the teacher who will also let you know if you missed any quizzes or test. Choose a ‘make-up buddy’ from whom you can copy class notes. Please make arrangements with the teacher to make up any quizzes or test that you may have missed. If your absence occurs on the day an assignment is due or of a previously announced quiz or test, you should be prepared to turn in the assignment or make up the assessment the day of your return. In all other cases, you will need to arrange a make up time with your teacher(s), and, in my class, please record the agreed upon time in your agenda so you remember when you have planned to make up the work. There may be exceptions to the 1 day per 1 day missed policy, but the time in which all work is completed and turned in should not exceed five (5) consecutive school days following your return to school.

Unexcused Absence:

Teachers are not required to accept makeup work or provided testing for students with unexcused absences. Established school and district policies will apply to all make-up work (see handbook). It is the responsibility of the student to get assignments, notes, etc. missed due to absences. Again, an absence does NOT excuse a student from work due on or scheduled for the day of their return. It is important for students to deal with missed work quickly. They need to arrange a time to make-up tests, quizzes, notes, etc. by seeing me before or after class immediately upon their return and recording the agreed upon make-up time in their agenda and with the me.


LATE WORK: Late work impedes student progress and adversely impacts grades. Turning work in late needs to be avoided whenever possible and will result in significant point reduction on the assignment! For every day that an assignment is late; there will be an 10 point deduction from the score earned on the assignment.

Examples: One day = 10 pts, Two days= 20 pts, Three days= 30 pts, Four days= 40 pts

Zeroes will be calculated into a student’s grade for any assignment not received or for which no correct answers were given. NO GRADES WILL BE DROPPED!