Student Page

Cool Websites

This is a list of helpful websites that students can access at school or at home. There are several others as well. Please let me know if you have any that you think should be added to the list! Scroll all the way down - there are a lot!

Branches of Government Game

Compass Learning

PASS Practice Test:

MAP Games:


  1. Story Starter
  2. Poetry Idea Engine
  3. Read Write Think - Fantastic and fun website to use at home to help improve writing and computer skills!
  4. Power Proofreading - Practice editing paragraphs.
  5. Wordle - Word Cloud Creator
  6. Tagxedo - Word Cloud Creator


  1. 4th Grade Vocabulary Book
  2. 4th Grade Grammar Book - Click on "Level Orange"
  3. Spelling Bee (MULTI-PLAYER)
  4. Turtle Dash (MULTI-PLAYER - Vowels)
  5. Coconut Vowels (SINGLE-PLAYER - Vowels)
  6. Word Mayhem


  1. Furious Frogs - (MULTI-PLAYER - antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms)
  2. Word Frog - (SINGLE-PLAYER - antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms)

Parts of Speech

  1. Word Invasion
  2. Wacky Web Tales
  3. Verb Viper


  1. Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Read the book online!
  2. Professor Garfield
  3. TumbleBooks - Username = kcd Password = books


  1. Times Table Game
  2. Penguin Jump
  3. Grand Prix
  4. Tug Team Tractor Pull
  5. Meteor (single player)
  6. Swimming Otters


  1. Division Derby
  2. Drag Race Division
  3. Tug Team Pony Pull
  4. Demolition Division


  1. Tug Team Dirt Bike Pull
  2. Dirt Bike Proportions


  1. Giraffe Pull (MULTI-PLAYER - tug team)
  2. Giraffe Dash (MULTI-PLAYER)


  1. Dolphin Dash (MULTI-PLAYER)
  2. Dolphin Feed (MULTI-PLAYER)

Other Games

  1. Suduko
  2. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
  3. Billy Bugs Coordinates Game
  4. Coffee Shop
  5. Lemonade Stand
  6. Name that Number

  1. National Geographic for Kids! - Cool games and activities and articles!
  2. EdHeads - Simple machines, weather...
  3. Food Chains
  4. Science News for Kids
  5. Yahoo Science

Simple Machines

  1. Simple Machines on EdHeads
  2. The Compound Machine on EdHeads
  3. Simple Machines Game - Help Twitch!
  4. Tinker Ball
  5. Magic Pen

Engineering Interact

  1. Alien Attack (learn about LIGHT)
  2. Ocean Odyssey (learn about SOUND)
  3. ParkWorld PLOT (learn about FORCE & MOTION)
  4. Astro Adventure (learn about the EARTH & BEYOND)
  5. Silicon Spies (learn about ELECTRICITY)
  6. More Games/Activities
  7. ElectroCity - Do you like SimCity? Well, ElectroCity is very similar- HINT - make sure you have enough power for the city!!

Force and Motion

  1. ParkWorld PLOT (learn about FORCE & MOTION)
  2. Isaac Newton's 3 Laws
  3. Forces and Movement
  4. Pushes and Pulls
  5. Amusement Park Physics

Periodic Table

  1. The Periodic Table
  2. How Elements are Used
  3. How to read the Periodic Table
  4. Periodic Table GAME


  1. The Recycling Process


  1. ANIMALS!!!

Light and Sound

1. Light and Sound Vocabulary - Quizlet



  1. Marco Polo and his Travels
  2. Marco Polo
  3. Explorer Poems
  4. Christopher Columbus
  5. The Vikings

Colonization and the Revolutionary War

  1. On the Trail of Captain John Smith - Game
  2. Jamestown Adventure
  3. Jamestown
  4. Lewis and Clark
  5. Revolutionary War Battles
  6. Benjamin Franklin
  7. How Shocking - Benjamin Franklin Game
  8. Ben's Town - Learn how Benjamin Franklin has helped improve your life
  9. Benjamin Franklin's Inventions

Civil War

  1. Civil War
  2. Civil War for Kids
  3. Underground Railroad
  4. General Sherman's March

Westward Expansion

  1. National Geographic - Lewis and Clark
  2. The Oregon Trail

Gold Rush

  1. Gold Rush - PBS Kids


  1. Immigration - Scholastic
  2. Ellis Island


  1. Ben's Guide - Quick Facts About Your State
  2. - Major Products (Economy)
  3. State Facts for Students - Population
  4. Enchanted Learning - Pictures
  5. Ben's Guide to US Government - FOR KIDS

State Games

  1. Ben's Guide - Place the State Game (easy)
  2. Place the State on the blank Map (hard)
  3. Penguin Hop (MULTI-PLAYER - states and capitals)
  4. Capital Penguin (SINGLE-PLAYER - states and capitals)


  1. The First Thanksgiving on Scholastic Kids
  2. You are the Historian - Investigate the First Thanksgiving


  1. Scholastic Journey
  2. Wikipedia
  3. PBS - What Lewis & Clark brought on their expedition
  4. PBS

  1. Typing Club
  2. Type-Fu (new)
  3. Dance Mat Typing
  4. Sky Chase (MULTI-PLAYER)
  5. Typing Jets (MULTI-PLAYER) -- hard
  6. Alpha Munchers
  7. Typing Rocket
  8. Keyboard Invasion
  9. Ghost Typing
  10. Super Hyper Spider Typer
  11. Keyboard Challenge - Rebuild the keyboard (make sure you cover up your real keyboard!)
  12. Typing Test - What is your WPM? (Words Per Minute)
    • Your GOAL is to have at least 18 WPM by the END of 4th grade!!

  1. Bicycle Race
  2. Spanish Vocabulary Concentration Game
  3. Read "Emily Elizabeth Goes to School"
  4. Read "Here Clifford"
  5. Read "Clifford's Big Dog"
  6. Read "Where is Emily?"
  7. Learn Spanish Phrases!
  8. Clean up Grammar at the Beach

Learn About Internet Safety!

  1. BrainPOP Jr. Internet Safety!
  2. BrainPOP - Digital Citizenship (watch the FREE movies!)
  3. NetSmartz Games
  4. Safety Land Game
  5. Internet Safety Maze
  6. Webonauts Internet Academy Game
  7. Surf Swell Island
  8. Hector's World
  9. Professor Garfield

For Parents:

  1. NetSmartz PARENTS
  2. Disney Internet Safety
  3. Internet Safety Articles

  1. Music Mixer - NEW!!
  2. Music Mysteries
  3. NY Philharmonic
  4. Nashville Symphony
  5. San Francisco Fun with Music
  6. Carnegie Hall Listening Adventures
  7. PBS Jazz
  8. Great Composers
  9. Play Music
  10. Guide to the Orchestra
  11. Official State Songs
  12. Creative Kids Central - Check out the games "Hansel and Gretel" and "Scheherazade"

  1. Kerpoof
  2. Make a Flip Book - create a cool animation on Disney! (easy)
  3. Animation Fun - create an animation! (easy)
  4. DoInk - Create animations! (hard)
  5. BuiLD YouR WiLD SeLF

Subpages (1): Math Websites