Classroom Rules/Procedures:

I will follow directions.

I will raise my hand.

I will have a calm body.

I will respect my classmates.

I will respect my materials.

Rewards / Incentives:

Throughout the day, students will receive points on LiveSchool. Those points will be exchanged at the end of the month at the school store. We will also have a class reward system. Every time the class as a whole receives a compliment, we will place one letter of the word compliment. Once we fill in the entire word “compliment”, the class as a whole will receive an incentive (special snack etc.)

Daily Behavior Expectations

In my classroom, students will use the clip art chart based on behaviors displayed in the classroom. Students will clip up for positive behavior and clip down for negative behavior. Students behavior calendars will be sent home in the back of their homework folder and updated daily. All communication with parents/guardians will be done via talking points of by notes sent home in the students folders.

Clip Chart can be viewed HERE.

*Students will learn the character traits during the first couple of weeks of school*


Students who break a classroom rule will first receive a verbal warning. If students continue that behavior they will then receive logical consequence. For example, if a student is having trouble with interrupting, we will have a conversation about ways that we can go about fixing that issue. Conversations will take place when instructional time is not lost. For students who need a break, they will be allowed to go to our classroom “Calm Down Corner”. In this corner students will be able to take a break from instruction. There will be a sand timer in the corner so students do not miss much of the instruction. In that corner there will be strategies posted to help students relax and get ready to learn.

* For students who are consistently breaking classroom rules, I will tailor a plan specific for that student to determine what works best*