Oveson's English Classroom

Welcome to my home page.  

My name is Ellen Oveson.  This will be my 26th year of teaching.  I am a graduate of the University of South Carolina.  I hold a Master's of Arts Teaching in Secondary English.  I have had the privilege of teaching in both Columbia and Greenville in South Carolina, as well as teaching in Florida and Washington.  I have been a lifelong addict of books and hope to share that with my students.  I love to hear from parents, and email is probably the quickest form of contact with me as I check my email almost hourly during the school day.  Please contact me for any concerns you may have about your students.  

Contact Information

The quickest and easiest way to reach me is through email.  My email is eoveson@greenville.k12.sc.us.  I will usually respond within an hour or so.  The other way to contact me is my school phone number.  My number is 355-5524.  During class hours, the phone will go directly to voicemail.  In any emergency situation, contact the front office.

Grading Scale

Grades will be weighted as follows:

60% Major Assessments (Writing Assignments, Tests and Projects)

40% Minor Assessments (Brief Writing Assignments, Quizzes)

Late Work Policy

10 points off per day, max of 60 if turned in by end of unit, max of 50 if turned in after the unit

2019-2020 Schedule