
Make sure that you are studying and reviewing your stems every night.

February 18, 2020: 1st, 3rd, and 6th: Make sure that you are completing your workbook assignments. As you finish you should end up with an argumentative essay. Workbook pages are now due, and your argugmentative essays are to be submitted to Google Classroom. We have been working on these assignments in class for the past month.

4th and 7th periods: We are reading the novel, Chasing Vermeer. Most of the reading is in class, but some students are reuesting to borrow books at the end of the day. This is fine, but please return to me first thing the next morning as I have other students using them too.

  • I have submitted a lengthy assignment to Google Classroom. It is a student packet that keeps up with the book. Please work on the packet as you read and don't wait until the last minute.
  • Please submit your Vermeer painting story to Google Classroom by Friday, February 21st.
  • By the end of class today, February 18, you should have completed through page 42; the end of chapter 4.
  • We will have a quick reading quiz tomorrow to make sure you are reading and understanding the novel.

I have a class set of the novel, but students may purchase their own copy of the book, listen to the audio version (different platforms charge various prices), or try Greenville County's public library branches.

4th and 7th period GT classes: Essays are due on February 7, 2019

The link below should work on your Chromebooks. Several students have used it and it is working for them. DOn't wait until the last minute to tell me that you are struggling. Remember we have had about two weeks in class and I have given you another week to complete your writing assignment. I AM HERE TO HELP YOU!!!!!!!

Try this one https://www.bibme.org/ to site your sources. Please let me know if your are having difficulties. We can work on this a little more in class.

BibMe — The Online Writing Center

Citations, Grammar, Punctuation, and Plagiarism – we’ve got you covered.

NEW Check my paper

🔥 Citing and more! Add citations directly into your paper, Check for unintentional plagiarism and check for writing mistakes.

I only want to create citations


Tuesday, January 21-Friday, January 24, 2020

Tuesday: Make sure to complete the introduction to your argumentative essay

Wednesday: Make sure to complete the 1st body paragraph

Thursday: Make sure to complete the 2nd body paragraph

Friday: Make sure to complete the 3rd body paragraph

Monday: We will try to complete your concluding paragraph.

I will attatch the outline for the essay below. If you follow the outline, your essay should fall into place.

Argumentative Writing Template.docx

January 6, 2020

All classes need to make sure that your OREO is completed. Remember your opinion can be about any topic you choose. This is practice, and it is not an essay or paragraph. Class notes are attached.




Opposing Argument/Counter Claim

Oreo Notes: 1/06/2020

Mythology Presentation Rubric

Novmber 13, 2019

All Classes: Stem List #11: Quiz tomorrow (quiz will cover lists 9-11)

Use the Quizlet link to study (all of our stems are on this Quizlet):



Wednesday, October 30, 2019

All classes will more than likely have a pronoun quiz tomorrow. (Remember that POP QUIZZES are a real thing!!!_)The quiz will come straight from the Pronoun song that you listened to and took notes from. Stem Quiz on list #10 will be on Monday because Moody Black will be here on Friday. -----------------------------------------------------4th and 7th: (Do you think we might have a quiz?)Be thinking about something that you are interested in and can talk about it without notes. You will be able to use Google Slides when you present. I want the slides to be your notes. The pictures, etc. that you include on the slides should help you present without reading straight from your notes. Don't forget to share or turn in your Halloween stories. _______________________________________________________________________________Monday, October 21:4th and 7th periods: Don't forget your mythology presentations. The rubric is attached. You will grade each group individually. There are five separate rubrics, so you should have enough for all groups._______________________________________________________________________________Week of 10/21All classes: New Stem list has been posted, Don't forget to study!!!!!!_______________________________________________________________________________
ALL CLASSES NEED TO STUDY FOR STEM QUIZ!!!!!!!!!Thurdaday, October 3, 2019:1st, 3rd, and 6th: Make sure both Readworks.org assignments have been completed. 1. "How to Trick Your Sister" 2. "Clap Magic"Personal Narratives are NOW LATE!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure that you have turned your story in. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Monday, September 23: study for comma test. The test is on Wednesday. Study stems daily. List is located on the Latin Stems page. The following are located on Quizlet. These are comma sets that will be useful in preparing for your comma test on Wednesday.1. https://quizlet.com/239419092/commas-flash-cards/ 2. https://quizlet.com/255752360/commas-in-a-series-compound- appositives-intro-words- and-phrases-flash-cards/ 3. https://quizlet.com/258195690/commas-in-dates-addresses-and-letters-flash-cards/ 4. https://quizlet.com/258194928/appositives-flash-cards/ 5. https://quizlet.com/255752360/commas-in-a-series-compound-appositives-intro-words-and-phrases-flash-cards/ 6. https://quizlet.com/258194468/commas-in-compound-sentences-flash-cards/ 7. https://quizlet.com/255753671/commas-flash-cards/ Flashcards are great to use for studying. Quizlet is an excellent source to use for studying.
Comma Notes are attached to the class notes page.


Monday, September 16, 2019: Make sure to be studying stems every night. We are on list #4. These are listed on the Latin stems page, and students should always have their Stems folder with them.Students are receiving new stems weekly and should continue to review their previous stems as well. PLEASE review student grades. I have many students that are beginning to get behind because they are not turning in their work. Please contact me with questions or if you would like for your child to come before or after school for extra help. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________September 9, 2019: Make sure to study/review stem lists 1-2. We will have our quiz tomorrow because of the speaker we had on Friday. Review comma notes. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________September 4, 2019: All classes make sure that you have completed the "Where I'm from" poem questions and template. Both are attached below.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ September 2:Begin studying stem list #24th and 7th periods only: Don't forget that your writing process metaphor examples are due

Where I’m From questions
example From Where I'm from poem

This is an example of "Where I'm from" poem

Where Im From Template