General Information

I check my e-mail several times throughout the day. Anyone needing to contact me can write to my school e-mail ( or leave a voicemail for me at 355-6686.

Materials needed for my class each day:

Charged Chromebook

Pencils or pens (blue or black ink)

Composition notebook

Highlighters and colored pencils

Scissors and clear tape

Independent reading book

Grading Policy:

Major assignments (Tests, Projects, Major Writing Assignments) 50%

Minor assignments (Daily Assignments and Quizzes) 50%

Grading Scale:

100-90 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

0-59 F

Classroom and School Expectations:


Positive Attitude - Actively listen, make good eye contact, and participate. Cooperate with your teacher and classmates. Be kind and encourage others.

Respect for All - Accept and respect everyone. Use positive words and body language.

Integrity - Take responsibility for your actions. Be honest.

Do the Right Thing - Stop, think, and make good choices. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Effort Toward Learning - Pay attention and follow all directions. Be prepared and on time. Give your best effort.

Late Work Policy

Work will be accepted up to seven days late without penalty or at the end of the quarter, whichever comes first.

Test Re-Take Policy

Requirements are outlined in the MMS Student Handbook:


The purpose of the retake policy is to provide students with additional time and support to learn material and to demonstrate mastery of material.

What types of assignments can be redone?

Major tests on which the student does not achieve mastery (score of 69 or below).

How are re-takes scored?

The maximum score of a re-take is 70.