Individual Virtual Courses

There are 2 programs that students can use to take asynchronous virtual courses: GCVSP & VirtualSC. Reach out to your student's counselor to find out more information on both of these and follow the links below. 

Follow this link to find more information on GCVSP.
This is an in-district program that runs through Google Classroom. It is free to students in the Fall & Spring.

Follow this link to find more information on VirtualSC.
This is a state-wide program that is free year round and runs through their own Dashboard on their website.

Full-Time Virtual Program

Students can also apply to our full-time virtual program that is offered through the Greenville County Schools Virtual Program. This program requires students to log in each day from home and participate in live Google Meets. See the flyer below for more information or talk to your counselor.

Virtual Info Graph.pdf

For further clarification, see differences between GCVSP and the Full-Time K-12 GCS Virtual Program HERE.