

Expectations for the class include:

  • Be in the room when the tardy bell rings, not in the hallway.
  • Be prepared with all materials daily.
  • Review notes and materials before class.
  • Be attentive and ready to learn.
  • Follow all of the rules in the school handbook.

Class Rules

1. Do not disrupt the learning process. This includes sleeping, talking, throwing paper, ect.

2. Everyone will be treated with respect.

3. Remain in your seat unless the teacher allows you to get up.

4. No cell phones unless directed to use them.

5. All rules in the school handbook apply.

Consequences for Breaking Rules

Policy of punishment

1. First Offense- Warning

Warning given through hand signal/ look. Will also get a verbal warning if necessary. Only get one Warning

2. Second Offense- Separation

Separation from group/table. Lunch Detention.

3. Third Offense- Student/Teacher Conference

Meet with student to go over rules and procedures in the classroom and make sure they fully understand what they are doing wrong during lunch detention.

4. Fourth Offense- Contact parent

Call/Email/Send Letter to parent to ask if they can have a conference with them about their child.

5. Fifth Offense- Office Referral

Send to office so they may give the correct punishment (after school detention, ISS, or OSS).

Grading Scale

A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69

F: 59 and below