Business Data Applications Syllabus 

COURSE CODE #5021                                                                                                 

Business Data Applications

Instructor: Danice Young

Career and Technology Education

Woodmont High School


COURSE DESCRIPTION: The collection, manipulation, storage, and retrieval of data has become an important tool and indicator of business success. Decisions are made based on data analysis that impact all parts of society. In Data Applications, students analyze different data sets, collect, manipulate, store, secure, and retrieve data using electronic spreadsheets and database software applications. Students use problem-solving and critical thinking skills to prepare computational artifacts which will be used to make informed decisions using a real-world approach.

COURSE CREDIT – 1 Unit                                                                                           RECOMMENDED PREREQUISITE: Algebra 1     




A. Safety

B. Student Organizations

C. Technology Knowledge

D. Personal Qualities & Employability Skills

E. Professional Knowledge

F. Introduction to Data

G. Data Collection and Validation

H. Data Security, Storage, and Retrieval

I.  Data Analysis

J. Data Visualization


GRADING: Grading will be based on the following criteria areas:

Formative       40% (Participation, Classwork, Quizzes)

Summative     60% (Projects & Tests)


Greenville County School District Grading Scale:

100‐90 A

89‐80 B

79‐70 C

69‐60 D

59‐50 F


Grading Floors:

High School Students (Grades 9‐12)

A floor of 50 will be applied to quarter report cards for high school students (9-12).  

The floor will not be applied to Interim Progress Reports. 


Grades are recorded using Power Teacher. Power Teacher is a district-wide program used by all teachers. Parents can obtain a password from their student’s guidance counselor to access student grades and attendance using the online parent portal.


EXPECTATIONS: Arrive to class on time ready to work.  You must have your notebook or Chromebook, and pen/pencil.  All work is to be completed and turned in on time.  You are expected to save all your work to a created document folder when we work with Microsoft Office Suites.  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to see me for missed assignments.  You have five school days to make up missed assignments.  Please see me if you need more time. Come to class with a positive attitude and I look forward to a great year!



Plan for Assessing, Evaluating, and Recording Students’ Progress and Achievement: Questions, projects, and critical thinking activities are completed by the students for each chapter to assess understanding of the material covered and their ability to demonstrate knowledge of computing systems, problem solving and computational thinking. Tests will be administered at the end of each chapter and strategically to combine units of study.  At least 60% accuracy is expected on all graded work. Each student is supplied with a network username and password as well as storage space to save their work. It is expected that students will save all work on this provided space. For their protection, students must not share passwords. Tests will be administered online. Some assignments will require paper submission and other assignments will require submission to the Google Classroom.

Missed Work/Make-up Policy: Attendance is very important! Please make every effort to be in class on time. Students are responsible for all work missed due to absences. Work should be made up within the same week to get credit for the missing assignment/assessment.

Late Work Policy: For CP and Honor Courses: Missing or late work for Majors and Minors will be accepted up to 5 class periods after the assigned due date. There will be a 10-point deduction for each class period the work is late.

For AP and IB Courses: Missing or late work for Majors and Minors will be accepted up to 3 class periods after the assigned due date. There will be a 20-point deduction for each class period the work is late.

Special Note: It is the teacher’s discretion to take work beyond that time but the student grade will not exceed 50%.

Late Arrival and Tardy Policy:

Students arriving to class late will need to visit one of the tardy stations and return to class with a pass.

Students missing more than half of any class are considered absent. This may affect a student’s ability to earn credits.


Attendance Policy:

Students can Not miss more than 10 unexcused days in a Semester Course.

Students can Not miss more than 5 unexcused days in a Quarter Course (Econ/Gov’t) (Law Ed/American Wars).

Missing more than the allotted (10) days in a Semester Course or (5) days in a Quarter Course must be an administration approval or doctors note.

Failure to adhere to the attendance policy may result in denial of class credit.


Seat Time Recovery:

Students accumulating more than 5 absences in a Quarter Course or 10 absences in a Semester Course will need to participate in Seat Time Recovery. Seat Time Recovery and cost will be announced at a later date.


Classroom Policies, Procedures and School Rules:

During the first week of class, the teacher will explain and discuss the rules and procedures as well as expectations for this class. In addition, students will view a presentation on school expectations during their advisory class period. This presentation will also outline information regarding the operation and procedures used daily for in-class instruction and school-wide purposes.

2. Each student will be responsible for doing their own work. Students caught                 cheating will face the following consequences: re-do the assignment; assignment       will not be graded; referral to administration.

3. Students must silence and store their cell phone out of sight before entering the         classroom. Lunch detention and school referral will be written after verbal                   warning has been given.

4. Students are expected to behave during class time. Students who disrupt class          will have consequences based on Woodmont High School Behavior Code Matrix.

    Discipline: 6 Referrals = Probation

    If an administrator is called to the classroom, the student will be removed from the     class, placed in ISS and possibly given OSS (Out of School Suspension)

    If problems occur in In School Suspension, Out of School Suspension is given           immediately.

5. Be courteous and respectful to everyone in class.  


The Woodmont Way:

The classroom door will close at the sound of the tardy bell. Students who are not in class will need to go to a tardy station to get a late pass for class.

No students will be released from the classroom for the first 10 and last 10.

Any student leaving the classroom must have a SmartPass.

Students will make their own SmartPass and students will end the SmartPass after returning back to the classroom.

Everyone must have a visible ID worn in the building at all times.

No headphones or any auditory impairing devices during transitions and in this class.

No cell phones in the classroom unless you are given teacher approval.


Communication with Parents:

If you would like a paper copy of this syllabus, please email me. During the first few days of school, your child will receive and bring home important paperwork during the advisory class period. Be sure to read and sign all important papers that need to return back to school. Your child will receive a report card at the end of each nine-week period. Contact me by email or phone if you ever have any questions. I will contact you concerning grades, class absences, class tardiness, or behavior issues. Email: or call 864-355-8690.