Classroom Expectations


Do you have the GRIT of a General?


Give full attention and adherence to directions, assignments, and due dates..

Respect the teacher, classmates, class instructional time, and yourself.

Invest yourself fully by participating and working bell to bell.

Think ahead by being both prepared and prompt.


  1. Teacher Warning
  2. Student conference and parent contact
  3. Freshman Detention
  4. Written referral and removal from class

Any severe disruptions will result in immediate referral to assistant principal or counselor.

Class Procedures:

  1. Students enter the classroom silently and sit at their assigned seats. They arrived prepared and on time. They take out binders, independent reading novels, and agendas if needed. They copy homework in agendas and complete the bellwork. Students keep in mind that the bellwork is timed and observe the essential question and agenda for the day’s class. Also, they read the bellwork thoroughly to determine if they have any homework to turn in at the beginning of class. It is during this time that I take attendance and handle any other housekeeping items. I do not take questions at the door because I am on duty, but I will gladly take them later.
  2. Once students enter class, they will not be permitted to immediately leave to go to the restroom, get water, go to their lockers, etc. All of this must be done before entering the classroom. Students are not allowed to drop off backpacks and then exit the classroom before bell as I am not willing to take responsibility for personal items, and it disrupts the flow of students entering the classroom.
  3. Should students have an emergency or arrive to class tardy, I follow the school policy for time out of class. Students receive five opportunities for missing class time. The fourth time does result in serving detention. Students need to initial by their names on the time out of class log and fill out the sign out sheet by the door. I will document time out of class on my roster as well. Furthermore, students are expected to have me fill out a hall pass in the back of their agendas before leaving the room. You must take your agenda with you when you leave the classroom.
  4. When turning in an assignment to be graded, students place them in their period's crate. Assignments must be of the best quality, and they must include the student’s first and last name, teacher’s name, course name, and date in the upper left corner. Also, assignments must have your student number in the upper right corner and a title for your assignment in the center at the top. All assignments must use MLA format. If you are turning in an assignment digitally through Google Drive, you must still adhere to MLA formatting as well.
  5. See grading policy for missing/late work.
  6. If a student is absent, they refer to the “Absent?” crate located in the classroom. Students will find missing assignments in the folder with the name. If a student is present when an assignment is made or when a test is announced, the student is responsible for that assignment on the day he or she returns to school. I follow district policy (5 days) for making up tests after excused absences. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange a time to make up the missed test or quiz. I am available during my office hours on Monday afternoons from 3:50pm-4:55pm and Thursday mornings from 8:00am-8:30am. It is possible to arrange another time or extended time at least two days in advance. Weekly planners are also placed on my website that show the agenda that was covered in class, and the homework that was assigned.
  7. Students are expected to adhere to the class attention getter. I will clap my hands in a rhythmic manner and students are expected to imitate the rhythm as they clap and become silent and give their attention to the teacher. When the lights on the Promethean Board are on, students are to focus their attention on the board and the teacher. There should be no talking during this time.
  8. During classroom interruptions, students are expected to silently read their independent reading novels. This includes class visitors, phone calls, etc. Also, you are expected to read silently if you finish assignments or assessments early. You will be expected to complete a book commercial or book review each quarter.
  9. Students follow school and academy rules concerning drinks and food in class. Only water in a clear bottle with a top that doesn’t leak is allowed in the classroom.
  10. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is used frequently in class. Students may only use their own devices when permitted by the teacher. A sign will be posted in the classroom to help regulate BYOD use. We will have a brief digital citizenship lesson to help with making wise choices when using devices. I also follow the school policy on cell phone use in class as well.
  11. Students will work in Cooperative Learning Groups (CLG) during particular classes. Students are expected to work collaboratively and cooperatively with these groups. Roles will be assigned on larger assignments to ensure full participation of each member as well as accurate and fair grading. Students must monitor their volumes in these groups. The “simmerdown” sign will be used to help regulate volume.
  12. Yelling or horseplay will not be tolerated in this class nor will bullying or making fun of others in class. It is expected that student will not take items that do not belong to them.
  13. Please note that we work from bell. Students do not begin packing up five minutes before the bell or stand at the door. You are expected to clean up your area. Students will take out a sticky note and writing utensil to answer the exit tweet question a couple minutes before the end of some classes.. Students remain in desks until the teacher dismisses them. Student place exit tweets on their student numbered squares on the exit tweet poster as they go out the door.
  14. Students will be given access to Google Drive, Google Classroom, and Remind. We will discuss specific procedures for these as we use them throughout the year.
  15. Students are encouraged to use the classroom library. Students will create library cards at the beginning of the semester. Students must fill out the library card with the title, author, and checkout date and bring the card to me. Students must acquire the card from me when they return the novel.
  16. Students are not permitted to use any materials on the teacher’s desk or to be in the areas behind it.
  17. Students are expected to sit quietly during announcements.
  18. Procedures for drills will be covered in class.
  19. When traveling to other locations as a class, students are expected to walk on the right side of the hall and silently to ensure they do not disturb other classes.
  20. Student follow the email etiquette they receive in class when emailing the teacher.