

Mrs. Walls-teacher

Mrs. Eppes-assistant

Major assessments:

Kindergarten math assessment, 5K kindergarten skills report, Houghton Mifflin emerging literacy survey, and Rigby benchmark books.

Student records:

A. Files and or portfolios for each student that includes emergency information, assessments, and student work samples.

B. Daily behavior chart to let parents know how their child is doing.

Homework Policy:

There will be homework sent home daily(Monday-Thursday). Worksheets will need to be completed and sent back in their red folder. No homework will be assigned on Fridays.

Missed Work/ Makeup Policy:

Any missed or makeup work will be sent home in the students folder for them to complete for homework.

Attendance and Tardy Policy:

If a student misses a day at school, then all work for that day will be held for them when they return to do for homework. If a student is tardy, then they must report to the office to get a late slip. Morning work will be held for them to complete for homework.

Expectations for student behavior:

1. Use inside voices.

2. Use helpful hands and words.

3. Make smart choices.

4. Follow directions quickly.

5. Raise your hand to talk.

6. Keep your dear teacher happy.

Procedures for non-instruction:

1. Entering the classroom: When students enter the classroom, they are to hang up their book bags in their cubbies, place their folders in the white basket, and go to their seat at the table, or on the carpet to complete morning work.

2. Restroom: Students are allowed to go to the restroom at any time throughout the day, except at lunch.

3. Recess: We will have an outside recess time daily (weather permitting). If the weather is bad we will have a longer center time inside the classroom.

4. Change of pickup: If a student is going to be picked up by anyone other than the parent, or they are going to ride a bus or car when they typically do something else, we must have a written note from the parent.

Reinforcements for student behavior:

We will have a positive behavior plan. Each student will earn class Dojo points each day. Rewards for Dojo points include: special hand sanitizer, small snack treat, and treasure box. Points start over every day. Parents were notified how to download and sign in to Dojo to keep up with their child’s points throughout the day. Parents will also be notified of student behavior through a behavior chart that will be placed in the student’s folder every month. Parents are asked to initial the student’s behavior folder. Points for Dojo are written on the calendar. If a student has struggled with a classroom rule, one of the teachers will have a conference to correct behavior with the child. A note will be sent home to notify parents to work on that particular rule at home that night.

The class will implement the school wide PBIS program. PURR points will be kept up with by the teacher. Wow’s will be posted outside the door.

Presentation of expectations and procedures:

Students are reminded on a daily basis what our expectations in the classroom are.

Communication with Parents:

Communication with parents is achieved by 1) parent conference in fall and spring, 2) school handbook, 3) daily behavior charts, 4) weekly newsletters, 5) phone calls, and 6) notes home as needed.