About Me

When I was in high school, my main career goal was to become a teacher. I have always enjoyed learning. Being a part of that process for others is something special. After I became a parent, I realized how much trust is shared with teachers. This is why my priority as a teacher is building relationships with students and parents so that I can help them be successful. I am passionate about social studies because it is where knowledge of the past is met with the opportunity to make a better world in the present through civic participation. Helping students see and appreciate this opportunity is achieved by preparing students to be ready for college, career, and civic life through a rich student-centered curriculum. Being a positive role model for students and working with them to achieve the goals that they set for themselves is what I am looking forward to most this year at Travelers Rest.

Fun Facts About Me

-Live in Simpsonville after moving all over the south east

-Graduated from Clemson, GO Tigers!

-I love to read and attempt Pinterest projects, look for some around our classroom!

- Three kids: Emma, Lily, and James. One miniature dachshund: Cooper. Several baby snails after a quarantine impulse buy this summer

-I was an EMT and worked in the ER for several years

- I was a theater kid in high school and participated in the senior play all four years. I still love the theater and have seen Wicked five times! Still waiting to see Hamilton on the stage.

- Me in 10th grade! ----------------------------------->