1st Grade shared how they balance their time using devices.

Discussing media balance; how do we balance our time on devices? 

Wordle Kids with 4th Grade- Great way to synergize!

Working on typing skills with 4th Grade

Outside computer lab time for 4th graders.

"Old School Technology' questions have the students confused!

Color coding "where our fingers go" on the keyboard with 1st Grade.

How do you balance out your media time?

All smiles! 

Changing things up for 4th grade! Computer lab outside.

1st grade making their mark on Dot Day! Using fine motor skills to make dots using their mouse. 

Dot Day! 1st grade used a paint site to make dots. 

5th Grade 

Canva Job Fair Flyers

Topcats have Thanksgiving on their minds!

Topcats created Thanksgiving menus in Canva. 

Mrs. Crozier's 2nd Grade

Word Art