About Cosmetology

The Cosmetology program is designed to prepare students to qualify for licensing examinations. Cosmetology students receive training in the art and science of the care and beautification of hair, skin, and nails. The course includes scalp treatments, hair shaping, hair styling, setting, waving, hair coloring, and shampoos and rinses. Care of skin and nails includes manicuring and pedicuring, massage, facials, makeup application, and hair removal. Instruction in chemistry, bacteriology, and anatomy and physiology of the face, head, arms, and hands is incorporated by means of theory and practical application on both mannequins and live models. Also included in the course of study is salon planning and management.

Daily Schedule

8:30 - 8:50 Planning

9:00 Cosmetology 1 class begins

11:20 Students Dismissed

12:45 Cosmetology 2 class begins

3:15 Students Dismissed

3:15 - 4:00 Planning