
Hillcrest Middle School

6th grade Computer Tech Syllabus

Instructor: Tina Hurley Room: 200 Telephone: 355-6170



Course Length: 9 weeks

Course Description

This course is designed to provide hands-on use of Computer Equipment, the Internet, Keyboarding, Google Apps, Graphic Presentation and Multimedia software. Students will understand basic operations and concepts of computer technology.

Course Objectives:

Digital Literacy

Networks and the Internet

Keyboarding skills

Data and Analysis

Algorithms and Programming

Impact of Computing

Course Overview

Throughout this course, students will learn:

· Basic computer operations and concepts of technology

· Practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software

· Technology’s impact on society

· Productivity tools

· Online safety

· Computer Technology careers

· Ethical and privacy issues and the impact of technology on society

· To create, store and organize files in the “cloud” (Google Drive)

· To format real-world documents

· To create a multimedia project

· To use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information

· To apply electronic search strategies

· To create tables and charts that visually represents data

Supplies List

Earbuds are optional, but recommended

Classroom Expectations: Students are expected to observe the school rules and class rules as set forth in the handbook and agenda.

Rules for Student Behavior:

1 Be in your assigned seat and working on the assigned bell work when the tardy bell rings.

2. Bring all materials with you to class, and take them with you when you leave.

3. Treat EVERYONE with RESPECT and dignity.

4. Follow directions the FIRST time they are given.

5. Follow all school and district rules and policies, as described in the Student Handbook.

6. Students should not be on any website/app that is not permitted by the teacher. Doing so may result in an office referral. Severe offenses may lead to the removal from the class. Please refer to the student handbook for appropriate computer use and BYOD.

Grading Procedures

Minor(50%)-- grades based on subject-specific content, thinking/reasoning skills, communication skills; may include projects, starters, informal writing assignments, informal oral presentations, and classwork.

Major(50%)— tests, presentations, cumulative projects (No exam for this class)

Grading Scale

A- 90 - 100

B 80 - 89

C 70 - 79

D 60 - 69

F 59 – 0

Student Records

Student grades are entered in Powerschool. Please use the Parent Portal to access grades. If you need login and password information, please call Haley Freeman 864.355.6114. All students receive progress reports at the district-designated times.

Excused = Student does not need to make up the missed assignment.

Makeup = Student missed the assignment and needs to complete and return it within 5 school days.

Attendance and Tardy Policy: See Students/ Parent Handbook

Missed work/Make-up Policy: Always check Google Classroom to see what you missed the day(s) you are absent. See in the Student/Parent Handbook and agenda p. 27. Students can make an appointment with me before or after school any day.

Conferences: Please call Haley Freeman at 864.355.6114 if you wish to schedule a conference during the school year. Conferences are available between 2:15 and 3:30.