
We are BR!!


Blue Ridge Middle School Physical Education Expectations


· Arrive on time. Students must be in their gym spot before the whistle. School tardy policy will be followed.

· Students will respect the teacher and classmates during instructional time by listening and raising their hand for comments and questions.

· Treat equipment and facilities with care. Do not touch equipment unless given permission.

· Gum, eating and drinking are not allowed in the gym.

· Sportsmanship and encouraging others is expected. Cursing will not be tolerated.



Written Tests/Essays/Quizzes

Skills Tests

Students have the option to dress out each day for comfort, although they MUST have tennis shoes daily. They must carry their clothes to and from school.

If a student is unable to participate in physical education he/she must have a parent note or a doctor note indicating he/she is not to participate in PE. The note must have a parent signature and a contact number.


· Students will have 50 minutes each day in physical education for 18 weeks. Classes will follow a daily routine of stretching, an aerobic session (to increase heart and lung capacity) which may include lap running, dances, aerobics, circuit training, and/or skills/ sport competition. Certain muscle groups will be discussed throughout each quarter, and students will practice exercising those muscles. Health issues will be discussed, along with a sex education unit taught.

As physical education teachers, we strive to have each student experience personal success and enjoyment from various activities. We want to give each student the desire to maintain a healthy body throughout their lifetime. Each student is expected to come prepared to PE class each day and follow the rules so students can learn without interruption. We look forward to the coming weeks!