US History & Constitution 

(CP and Honors)

United States History (USH) is a required class to pass in order to graduate from Mauldin High. We will create a learning environment that engages students to delve deeper into the continuities and changes that define us as a nation.

Students will investigate through a wide variety of sources and activities: the Colonial Era, the American Revolution, the Constitution, the rise of nationalism and sectionalism, westward expansion, the Civil War and Reconstruction, moving into the Industrial and Gilded Age, Immigration and Urbanization.

The second half of the course will focus on the Populist and Labor Movements, Progressivism, Imperialism and WWI. From there we investigate the Great Depression, New Deal, WWII, Cold War, and Modern Era Domestic and Foreign policy.

Honors classes will be required to apply disciplinary skills more in depth through extended historical thinking, reading and writing strategies.

Fletcher 23-24 US History Syllabus .docx
Fletcher 2023-24 2nd Semester Lesson Plans
Fletcher Classroom and Course Expectations- Website 2023-24