About Me

My name is Brooke Childers and I am very excited about teaching your children this year. This will be my 19th year teaching middle school. This will be my 8th year at Sevier. My family and I have lived here in Taylors for almost 10 years now. I love Jesus, coffee, Disney, photography, reading, hiking, camping, binge watching Disney+, and cooking and eating with my family. I can't wait to see what exciting things are in store for us this year in ELA!!!!

We love going to Disney as a Family! 

I love coffee! 

Hiking the Narrows at Zion National Park

These are a few of my Favorite Things:

Color: Light Pink and Purple

Drink: COFFEE (hot or cold) 

Restaurant: Chick fil A and McAlister's Deli

Candy: anything gummy and Peanut butter M&M's 

Season: Fall

Hobby: DISNEY (I love all things Disney)

Shopping: Amazon and Target!