
Sala de clase: B123

Número de teléfono: 355-6665 (Please leave a message!)


Horario de clase:

Primer semestre:

1a hora: Español 3 Honores

2a hora: Español 2 CP 

3a hora:  Español 2 CP

4a hora: Planificación (off campus)

¿Necesitas ayuda?  

Extra help is offered before school by appointment. Tutoring can also be set up with the Spanish National Honor Society with notice. I highly recommend that students let me know that they're coming so I know to be in my classroom or can communicate a conflict.

Students may arrange extra help sessions with me during class or through email. The extra help sessions can occur via emailed questions, in the classroom, or through a Google Meet. 

About me:

I've loved Spanish since my first class in high school! 

I worked as the Spanish teacher's assistant my senior year in high school, running the language lab and grading papers, and completed my study abroad in Chile during my freshman year at Clemson University. I graduated with a BA in Modern Languages (Spanish) before working as an bilingual enrollment specialist for government benefits. I took my first teaching job at Camden High School, working there from 2005-2010 while earning my two master's degrees in education, before moving to the Upstate in 2010. I worked at Westside High in Anderson and JL Mann in Greenville, but my favorite was Mauldin High School. I'm returning after a few years at home with my children. Go Mavs!

My husband, Jeb, and I met at Clemson (Go Tigers!) during the 1900s (ha!) and married in 2011. We have three awesome kids: James (11), Martin (7), and Charlotte (5); a geriatric Jack Russell (Sugar, 16); and a hedgehog (Albus Dumbledore, 2). We love to travel, especially to Seattle and Manhattan, and spent last dogsitting and adventuring in Chicago. We hope to visit both Washingtons this summer (DC for the Smithsonians and, of course, Seattle to visit my dad).

In my spare time, you'll find me reading (75-150 books a year), dancing at the ballet studio, gardening, hiking, or researching and cooking food that you can't tell is gluten free.