About Me

About Me

My name is Cynthia Hill. I am originally from a small town in Clarendon County (Alcolu). Once coming to the upstate to attend college, I knew this was where I wanted to be. Now, I consider Greenville to be my home. I graduated from USC Upstate in 1995 where I earned my Bachelors degree in Elementary Education. In 2000, I earned my Masters degree in Elementary Education from Converse College. In 2006, I went on to earn my Masters in Elementary Administration and Supervision. Throughout my 25 years of teaching, I have had the opportunity to teach fourth, sixth, third, second, and now 5th grade. This is my 4th year teaching fifth grade, and I am so excited to be your child's teacher!

I am the proud parent of a nineteen year old teenager named Hanna! She is the highlight of my life. She is the reason why I work to achieve more in life.

I am excited to be your child's teacher, and I look forward to a wonderful year!