Building Construction

Building construction technology encompasses thousands of years of developing one of the three basic human needs “shelter”. From the earliest cave to the high rises of today the basic need for shelter has driven mankind to build a bigger and better means of shelter.

Through construction technology we live and work in safer and more comfortable buildings.

The need for constructing a better dwelling has been, and still is, what drives the economies of today. Just think on a small scale of everything that makes up your home; foundation, floors, walls, ceiling, roof, furnace, air conditioner, stove, refrigerator, water heater, lights, electricity, gas, windows, doors, locks, carpet, paint, roofing, clothes washer, clothes dryer etc. This is just a small list of things that make up a house. There are thousands of parts and pieces to a house. Someone needs to design, engineer and build all of these parts that make up our homes.

Through technology, the need of wanting to make something better has brought us to a safer and more comfortable way of life. If we did not have a home, would we need the things that go into it? Would we need designers, architects, engineers, and manufacturing? What would we have without shelter?

Bonds Building Construction Cluster will introduce the students to construction safety practices. The cluster will introduce them to the carpentry, masonry, electrical, and plumbing trades.