
Course: Orchestra

Instructor: Brian Gencarelli


Course Description:

The Maverick Orchestra is the premier string performance based ensemble of the high school. The repertoire will focus on more advanced original works for string orchestra. Focus will be placed on the fingering and bowing techniques required to play grade IV and V music. Students will become more familiar with the works of composers such as: Bach, Beethoven, Haydn, and Mozart. Students will also be required to play pops music and alternative styles such as: bluegrass, jazz, and rock.

Required Materials:

- An instrument and bow in proper working condition.

- Habits of a Successful String Musican- Selby.

- Rosin, shoulder rest, rock stop, and all other accessories.

- Other materials to be provided by the instructor.


Grades will be based on the following formula:

Major Assessments: 60% (at least 3 per quarter)

Performance / Playing Tests/Written Tests

Minor Assessments: 40% (at least 12 per quarter)

Homework Checks/Rehearsal Techniques/Quiz

Homework Checks are a short scale, piece, or excerpt that the instructor will assign and the student will play for a grade. If a student takes private lessons they may exempt the homework checks by completing a Lesson Evaluation Sheet. An Evaluation sheet must be filled out by the private instructor and turned in for a grade.

This is a performance based class and it is imperative that all students attend required concerts. Only illness or family emergency will be excused. Any other absence will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for that portion of the final grade. We work really hard to make our performance a success, and there is no way to “recapture” that moment. You are ALL a vital part of this program and its success. We all depend on you to “play your part.”

Concert Dress:

This year the Maverick Orchestra will be required to wear a specific uniform for most of our concert performances. (Some recruiting and outreach concerts may be different dress so please check with the instructor…) The concert dress will be able to be ordered through the orchestra program or you may provide your own as long as it fits the requirements.

Ladies: Solid floor length black dress for violins and violas, and black pants and top for cello. Black polished dress shoes, and with hose.

Men: Black tux pants, white tux shirt with wing tip collar, black bow tie, solid black vest, and black polished dress shoes.

You will be given ordering information on a separate order form.