

Behavior Plan

School Rules/Class Rules

1. Looking Eyes

2. Listening Ears

3. Quiet Mouths

4. Helping Hands

5. Walking Feet

6. Sit on your bottom.

7. Respect all children, adults and their things

Behavior Discipline Plan

Our school wide expectations are:

Respect yourself.

Respect others.

Respect property.

My students and I will be discussing what each of those means. We will also use the school teaching matrix which explains appropriate behavior in each are of our school including our classroom. Please review this with your child.

For School Wide Behavior:

Our class can earn Pride Bucks from other teachers and adults in the building. Each time our class has recieved 10 Pride Bucks we get to choose a reward for the whole class to participate in. Some examples may be:

  • Popsicle Party

  • Pajama Party

  • Dance Party

  • Hat Day

  • Crazy Hair Day

  • Game Day

  • Recess on the big playground

For Classroom Behavior:

Mrs. Poe's Happy Campers will use the ClassDojo behavior system. Each day students will be rewarded with points for good choices and if necessary will lose points for poor choices. If your child has 10 dojo points or more at the end of the week they will get to choose something out of our class treasure box! Please download the ClassDojo app on your phone and use the code given for our classroom.

Any prizes for our treasure box are greatly appreciated!