Title I is...
Title I is the largest federal aid program for K-12 schools. The purpose is to ensure that all students have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, "proficiency" on challenging state academic standards and assessments. Title I programs provide financial assistance to local schools with a high percentage of children from low-income families. In addition to ensuring that every child receives a quality education, Title I programs place an emphasis on building relationships with our families.

Alexander Elementary School proudly receives Title I funds to ensure our students achieve academic success.

We use our Title I funding to provide academic initiatives to accelerate and enrich their learning, while partnering with and involving our parents to have a complete community school program.

Our Purpose...

"The purpose of Title I is to enable schools to provide opportunities for children served to acquire the knowledge and skills contained in challenging state content standards and to meet the challenging state performance standards for all children.” ~ SC Dept of Education

Priorities of Title I:

Primaria Alexander Titulo I
“El propósito del Título I es permitir que las escuelas brinden oportunidades a los niños atendidos para que adquieran el conocimiento y las habilidades contenidas en los desafiantes estándares estatales de contenido y para cumplir con los desafiantes estándares estatales de desempeño para todos los niños”. ~ Departamento de Educación de SC

Prioridades de Titulo I:

What Happens...

What happens at a Title I School?  Alexander's teachers, staff, and administration work together to:

Los maestros, el personal y la administración de Alexander trabajan juntos para:

Parents Right to Know...

- about the qualifications of your child’s teacher

- about your opportunities to have input on the school’s Title I Plan and other school decisions

- about the school’s performance on federal and state accountability measures

Derechos de los Padres de Saber:                                                    

- Sobre las qualificaciones del maestro de sus hijos   

- Sobre sus oportunidades para participar en el plan de Titulo de la escuela y otras decisiones escolares

- sobre el desempeno de la escuela en las medidas de responsabilidades federales y estatales

Terri Pate

Title I Instructional Facilitator

Email: tpate@greenville.k12.sc.us

Office Number: 864-355-1014

Raydhira Abreu

Parent Involvement Coordinator

Office Number: 864-355-1002

Gissell Cravener

Title I Social Worker

Email: gcravener@greenville.k12.sc.us

Office Number: 864-355-1047

Josie Moore

Community In Schools

Email: jmoore@cisofsc.org

Office Number: 864-355-1049

We are here for YOU! Please contact us if we can help you in any way!