Meet the Teacher

Hello! My name is Mrs. Peeler . I am so thrilled to be a First Grade Teacher here at ENSA. This will be my sixth year in first grade, and I LOVE it!

Education and Experience

I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Bob Jones University. I added Early Childhood education to my certificate through classes at USC Upstate. I am Highly Qualified to teach First Grade at East North Street Academy. As an educator, I am committed to a life of learning, and I am always honing my teaching skills by continuing my education. I recently graduated with a Masters of Education in Literacy from Clemson University (Go Tigers!)

Family and Personal Life

I love being a First Grade teacher, and I spend a lot of my time planning and prepping for my students. When I am not working on “school stuff,” I love spending time with my husband, Josh, and my sweet fur baby, Basil. My husband and I love being active, taking Basil for walks, going downtown, and enjoying live theatre.