English 4 Syllabus

English 4 Syllabus

Instructor: Amanda Robinson / Amy DiPalma

Course Title:  English IV CP

Email: amrobinson@greenville.k12.sc.us

Room:  B204

Phone: 355-6598

Course Description: English 4 completes the global perspective initiated in English 2. Though its focus is on British and Western European literature, this course also includes important United States seminal historical documents and literature (texts influenced by European philosophy or action). The course should include a minimum of one Shakespearean play. Note: this course carries CP GPA weighting. 

Instructional Philosophy:  The English Department of Mauldin High School believes that every student has a unique voice, and our goal is for that voice to be heard in both oral and written communication. We follow the recently revise SC Standards for Learning and implement lesson plans designed to develop writing, speaking, listening, researching, and viewing skills in a logical, systematic, and sequential manner. A variety of teaching, monitoring, and assessment strategies are used to address multiple learning styles and student interests. We adhere to the district grading guidelines and to its scope and sequence recommendations in order to help each student realize his or her potential as a learner.​

Course Goals and Power Standards: Please go to the following website to see a list of standards for English 4 https://ed.sc.gov/scdoe/assets/File/instruction/standards/ELA/ELA%20Standards/SCCCR%20Standards%20OnePager%20English%204.pdf


 Required Materials:    

All policies are subject to change at the discretion of the teacher, school administration, and/or district administration.  Policies may change in accordance with school attendance models in order to best meet the needs of students.

Assessment and Grading Policy:  

1. The grading policies are consistent within course levels and adhere to school and district mandates.

2. Grades are available to both students and parents through the Greenville County Schools Student and Parent Portals (Backpack).

3. A hard copy grade report will be sent home 4 times per year (report cards) or made available in the backpack. 

I will contact parents and send a progress report mid-quarter for students with a 70 or below in the class.

4. Grades weights:

Major Grades count 60% and will include major writing assignments, projects, and tests.

Minor Grades count 40% and will include minor writing assignments, quizzes, classwork

5. For MAJOR WORK, the rule is that 10 points will be deducted for each day the work is late up to ten days and weekends count within that ten day window.  PLEASE NOTE: I will grade the work and then take points off that grade. For example: if you made an 85 on a paper, I will deduct 10 points resulting in a grade of 75.

6. Per district policy, classes will receive 3-4 major grades and 12-15 minor grades per quarter.

7. Weighting of assignments may change at the discretion of the teacher if it is noted that student work, as a collective whole, either does not meet or exceeds expectations.  Students will be informed if this occurs.

SC Grading Scale:

Major Units of Study Outlined:

List of major units by quarter.

1st  Quarter
Anglo-Saxon/Medieval British Literature

Romantic Literature

Writing - narrative, lit analysis, lit criticism

     Grammar and Vocabulary

2nd Quarter
Renaissance British Literature

Modern/Contemporary British Literature

Writing - narrative, lit analysis, lit criticism

Grammar and Vocabulary

Assignment Breakdown:

Writing:  Students will complete both informal (weekly journals) and formal writing throughout the year.  Writing assignments focus on the critical analysis of literature and include expository, analytical and argumentative essays. Although critical analysis makes up the bulk of student writing for the course, well-constructed creative writing assignments may help students see from the inside how literature is written. The goal of both types of writing assignments is to increase students’ ability to explain clearly, cogently, even elegantly, what they understand about literary works and why they interpret them as they do. Emphasis is placed on helping students reach stylistic maturity in order to better prepare them for college.

Vocabulary: Vocabulary will be taught as a weekly practice to expand the student’s vocabulary and to increase reading comprehension.  

Quizzes and Tests:  Quizzes and tests will be administered when deemed appropriate by the English 4 PLC. Students will be quizzed and tested on the literature we study as well as on the vocabulary.  These assessments will include both objective, short answer, and essay questions.  The purpose of these assignments is to test the skill acquisition of the student rather than be an exercise in reading comprehension.  Major assessments will include cold texts.

Virtual Makeup Work, Homework, Late Work, and other Classroom Policies as applicable:

If you are absent for a considerable amount of time and have valid, documented proof, make-up work will be scheduled depending on the needs of both the student and the teacher.

Extra Credit

I do not offer extra credit. Please plan to complete all of the regular credit.


Attendance rules are in the student handbook.  Virtual attendance is expected and will be checked daily.

Cell Phones or other electronic devices

ALL cell phones will be silenced and placed in the student’s backpack or purse prior to class beginning.  They must not be visible AT ALL.  District/School cell phone policy will be enforced.  Please be aware that students will receive only one verbal warning before a phone call home is made.  Additionally, students for whom a phone call has been made will receive only 1 additional verbal warning before a referral is written.  USE OF A CELL PHONE DURING A TEST OR QUIZ PERIOD WILL RESULT IN A 0 ON THE TEST OR QUIZ,  NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

General Guidelines for Writing

Behavior Expectations and Consequences:

1. Be punctual!

2. Be prepared! 

3. Be productive! 

4. Be prompt!  

5. Be polite! 

6. If I can’t read it, it’s wrong! Please write carefully and legibly.

7. Put your FIRST and LAST name on all written work

8. Students will have assigned seats at my discretion and must sit in their assigned seat at all times.

Consequences: First offense, teacher warning—second time, parent contact and/or a referral, depending on the infraction.  Students will always be offered the opportunity to correct their behavior but constant classroom interruption that detracts from the learning of others will not be tolerated.