Link to our online textbook:

Science Techbook- your textbook is now digital!

These are great sites to visit at home with a parent's permission:

Virtual Frog Dissection- Dissect without the mess!

Smore- Create your own flyers

Calculate Your Ecological Footprint- Figure out how many Earths we would need if everyone lived like you!

Explore Learning- Access to the Gizmos program

The Sid Shuffle- Our favorite brain break!

Lab Safety Rap- YouTube

Meet the Elements - YouTube

Alien Juice Bar- Interactive Acids and Bases Lesson

The Cell Rap- YouTube

Build-A-Cell- Spongelab

The Mitosis Dance- YouTube

Photosynthesis Song- YouTube

Animal Cell Coloring- Color & label an animal cell online

DNA Extraction Video- YouTube

Dragon Breeder- Spongelab

Virtual Surgery!- EdHeads (click "Choose an Activity")

Mr Parr - YouTube

Student Science News- A credible source for Science articles

HHMI Research News- Research articles resulting from research by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Quizlet - A great tool for studying vocabulary!

Bill Nye - A very cool scientist

Cool Math- Fun games to review Math skills!

Science Games- Fun online games to review Science!

Free Rice- Answer trivia questions & feed the hungry!