Great Links

Please check out the following websites for useful information.

Transitions Throughout Life This site allows for parents to research different transition points that will occur during their child's educational career!

Children's Health Information related to children's health issues for children and parents to explore.

Educational Help K-8 resources for teachers, students, and parents. Includes Reading/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Intervention, Professional Development, activities, games, and textbook support.

Children and Grief This website gives information on children and their grief.

Anger Management If you are looking for tips for dealing with anger management, please check out this website.

The Health Center This website has information on anxiety, depression, separation anxiety, and ADD/ADHD.

Comprehension Questions from Different Books This website allows your child to register and take quizzes on some of the books that they have read. It is a great way for them to have fun and still check their reading comprehension