Stress Reduction Techniques for Teens and Young Adults

About this Project

Hi my name is Kaia and this is the background about my Gold Award Project, for Girl Scouts. I got the idea for this website because I got interested in doing meditation and mindfulness and after a while of doing it, I realized how much it has helped me. I thought it would be a good idea to share resources around mindfulness, because I know that people my age could benefit from doing it. When I was in a golf lesson, I pitched the idea to my coach and he thought it was a great idea. I had a hard time finalizing a topic for my project and I was considering maybe doing it on teens and how much time they spend on their phones, but then the pandemic hit and I realized that it was starting to make people, especially teens and young adults, more anxious. Then I started asking myself "How can we learn to control our anxiety and stress?" That's when I got the idea for meditation and mindfulness as the focus of my project. At the time, I didn't know that many people who practiced meditation and mindfulness, but I was interested in learning more, so I had a long conversation with my coach and we talked about his practice of meditation and mindfulness and discussed the benefits, he thought the idea of providing resources for teens and young people was not only a great idea, but very important in today's world! That is how this project came to be! 



Everybody is feeling a bit of anxiety and stress these days, so it is important for people to learn how to slow down, be more present, and relax, but mindfulness and meditation are hard for young people, so please enjoy access to these free resources about how to be more mindful and meditate.


Image sourced from:

Image Sourced from: Inspiring Minds

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