
ABCYA-K-5 Reading activities and videos

Acrostic Poem(READWRITETHINK, make your own acrostic poem)

Author Pronunciation(Learn how to properly say the author's last name as you hear them say it).

BookFlix(fiction/nonfiction pairs; movie and read aloud book

Diamante(READWRITETHINK, create your own dimante poem)

Fun Brain(chapter books)

Giggle Poetry

Haiku Poem(READWRITETHINK, make your own haiku poem)

Jack Prelutsky(poetry for kids)

KidsReads(chapter book reviews of the newest books)

Magazine Sites(click for a list)

Magic KeysNEW(Children's Storybooks Online)

Parts of Speech(Pick what parts of speech you would like to practice)

Poetry Foundation

Poetry4Kids(Kenn Nesbitt)

Shel Silverstein(poety for kids)

Starfall(I'm Reading)

Synonym and Antonyms(easy and difficult levels)

Spaghetti Book Club(Book reviews by kids)

Toon Books(Professor Garfield/graphic novel/cartoon formats)