Chinese Enrichment Program

Program Overview

GJPS is home to one of the most innovative and comprehensive 2-12 Mandarin Chinese programs in central-Ohio as well as the state. District-wide, there are more than 450 students - from the elementary level to the high school senior about to boldly take their next steps toward higher education or into the global marketplace - actively participating within the program.

Program History

In 2008, with assistance from the Ohio Department of Education and with The Ohio State University Chinese Flagship program, GJPS launched the Chinese language program at the elementary level. In February, 2009, GJPS was selected by The Asia Society and Hanban (Chinese Department of Education) as one of twenty founding members of the Confucius Classroom Network. In July, 2010, Gahanna-Jefferson received a Foreign Language Assistance Program Grant award from the United States Department of Education to support and expand the Chinese language initiative.