Southside Elementary School

Welcome to Southside Elementary School! On behalf of the faculty and staff, I'd like to assure you that we are committed to providing the best education possible for our students. At Southside, the students are our number one priority.

We are so fortunate to have such eager and inquisitive students, supportive parents, and an extraordinary staff that is committed to providing the very best instructional program possible to our students.

Working as a team is the best way to achieve our goals this year. I believe that open and honest communication is vital to ensure the success of our students. If I can ever be of assistance, please feel free to call the school or email me at

-Carmen Hayes, Principal

Upcoming Events

Fall Break: October 4-8

IXL- Math

Intervention Central

Think Central- login with Clever

McGraw-Hill- login with Clever

Gallopade- login with Clever

SES_School Tour

Tour the School

Supercats, we are excited to see you soon!

2020-21 Open House