Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is my Username and Password?

A: You need to create an account with a password of your choosing. Please make sure that you are using the email address that the district has on file in Alma.

Q: Why is the app asking for a School ID\Code?

The SchoolMessenger info center app does not require an ID or Code to function. If you are being asked for this, you have clicked on Groups by mistake.

Q: Where do I find the app to download?

A: Please click on the image below to download the appropriate app for your device.

Q: Do I still need to send in a written note?

A: No, absences reported through SafeArrival do not require a note to be sent into school.

Q: Why don't I see Attendance in the menu?

A: Make sure the email address you used to sign up in School Messenger is the same one you have on file in Alma. Please contact our technology support at if you need help updating your email address in ALMA.

Q: Why don't I see one of my students?

A: Make sure the email address you used to sign up in School Messenger is the same one you have on file in Alma. Please contact our technology support at if you need help updating your email address in ALMA.

Q: What Notifications will I receive?

A: You will receive an email notification as soon as you enter an absence for your child.

Q: Why does Alma still show the absence as unexcused?

A: The absence will show as unexcused until the data is transferred between SafeArrival and Alma, usually at the end of the day.