
Focus Question: How can we make the world a better place?

Recommended Databases

Inforbase: Science Online

has expansive reference coverage of the full range of scientific disciplines.

Gale Environmental Studies

is an electronic resource that focuses on the study of sustainability and the environment. Topics include global warming, food safety, access to health care, and the impact of economic development on international relations

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eBooks (available through Gale eBooks)

Digital Magazines (both current and past issues available in Classlink>RGC_MC Basics>Flipster)

NOTE: Let the User ID and Password automatically fill in, then click the Sign In button under it.

National Geographic

Each issue takes a adventurous look into cultural exploration as well as social and environmental changes that impact life on Earth. Stories about the people and places of the world are humanized by the emphasis on the symbiotic bond between Earth and its inhabitants.

National Wildlife

Details conservation issues & natural world discoveries. Provides tips on how to support environmental efforts.

Project Guide(s)