Curriculum Inquiry Project

Description of Curriculum Project -

How should it be read?

What does is seek to accomplish?

What does it do?

Within the confines of this website, I have created a curriculum based on the studies done throughout a semester of studying the theories and practicalities of curriculum implementation. Through the accompanying pages and sub-pages on this website, it should be read as a book--from left to right, including all sub-pages as you move forward. In that way, this project and curriculum will reveal itself as I have developed it; in that way, the curriculum reveals itself as does a story.

I have not been a teacher for very long. As such, I am finding impacting change hard. That's one reason I decided to get a Master's Degree. I want to have the credentials to be able to impact change. As a teacher now, I think of the waves of change I can make in my own community. Within my own teaching community and situation, this project finds its main purpose: creating a baseline for other teachers and leaders in my building to help impact change in our school. It starts here with a simple wave and will hopefully move to more waves. As the school itself becomes a wave, perhaps the change can transcend my own community. Through this project, I hope to begin that wave.

As the first inclination of change, this curriculum will focus on the Core Knowledge Curriculum and how to modify the Core Knowledge Sequence to match a school's place, experiences, and aims. Specifically, this project--as a small beginning--will focus on the 7th Grade English Language Arts piece of Core Knowledge. In that small piece, modifications will be made to serve as a model for other grade levels and contents as the changes made to Core Knowledge work to impact the rest of the school community. Though small in scope now--focusing merely on one grade level and content--this curriculum will serve as a model for future change.