Bancroft Community Garden

1308 Bancroft Way, Berkeley CA.


Indigenous to Costanoan\Ohlone, Miwok, Yokuts --Sharing a root language of Penutian.

In 1750 AD speakers of Penutian tongues occupied nearly half of California and were a solid block of about 30 groups in the California Heartland. Penutian roots are old in California and expanded after Hokan languages were established in the state. To the extent that language and culture may be related, Penutian was the most typically “Californian” of any linguistic root language. (Moratto, California Archaeology *)


Our mission is to steward an organic, natural oasis in the middle of an urban environment.

We and the BYA (Berkeley Youth Alternative) organization transformed 1.5 acres of City of Berkeley land into an all organic Bancroft Community Garden providing 36 community plots growing plants (food, flowers, and herbs) and many shared fruiting trees.

Our commitment to working as a community and nourishing the soil solely with organic growing methods, provides our neighborhood with a beautiful place to enjoy nature.

Participating in this active togetherness offers our community with a special place to gather and harmonize.