Early Childhood


 Beth Hartley
Linda McDermit

Michele Johnson


Introducing Mrs. Hartley and her Family!

<---Mr. and Mrs. Hartley  
Above- Christmas 2021
--> I love to hike and be outside. This is at Devil's Tower, Wyoming.
Mr. Hartley and I have been married for 26 years.  We have two boys: Ben is a Senior at Purdue and Sam is a Junior at Grand Canyon Univ in Phoenix. 

Miss Linda

Miss Linda has worked in the Early Childhood department for the past 9 years.   Previously, she worked in 1st and 3rd grades and was a substitute teacher for the district 20 years prior.  Linda has a farm and takes care of her family's sheep.  She is involved with 4-H with her nieces and nephews and works at the state  fairgrounds in the sheep barn during the fair. Here is a video of one of Miss Linda's lambs. It's soooo cute!!!

Miss Linda's Lambs.mp4

      Miss Michele

The EC class at a high school pep rally.
Field trip to the pumpkin patch.

Our class does as much as we can in the community by taking field trips, participating in school pep sessions and convocations and by having the community come to us at times.

For Online Learning and Parent Communication, our classroom uses the platform SeeSaw.  This is where most of our daily classroom information is sent to parents.  Each student has an online journal where work, videos and pictures can be posted for parents.  Work for students can also be assigned and turned in via SeeSaw.  When your child is enrolled in the EC program you will be given specifics as to how to sign up and use this platform. SeeSaw is also used for ELearning.  Kids love it! Parents love it! We love it and even Grandparents love it!

Fun in the Classroom

Making applesauce.

            Dr. Seuss Fun!!

A Math Lesson about sorting.  We are learning about recycling and will be sorting trash later in the week.

<--- Visits from some special friends...Santa and Mrs. Clause and some piglets from the Riggs' farm.

Be sure to check out the video by Mrs. Hartley from our Parent University meeting.  You will learn more about our program.
