Coinbase identity verification not working | Coinbase Help

Why is Coinbase identity verification not working? How to fix it?

Identity verification plays a pivotal role in using Coinbase. Without completing the identity verification process, you cannot carry out a single transaction and neither start using any of its features. But, there are some users who face difficulty in carrying out the identity verification process. Even though some users were able to initiate the identity verification process they could not complete it due to some reasons. Recently, some users complained about Coinbase identity verification not working. 

So, the sections below will surely help you learn more about the reasons why identity verification may not be working, what could be possibly done to resolve the issues, and some other topics. 

How to verify a Coinbase account? 

Coinbase identity verification not working scenario may arise because you are following an incorrect verification process. So, in that case, you should take the following steps to understand the correct verification method: 

In addition to completing the steps above, you need to take some additional steps such as verifying your phone number, email address, etc. 

Why is Coinbase asking to verify identity again?

To restrict users from creating fake and fraudulent accounts, users need to go through a multi-step account verification process. Even though you have completed a single stage of verification, you will still be asked to complete the remaining stages. So, if you are being asked to verify your identity on Coinbase again and again, it means, there still are some steps that you need to go through to carry out the complete identity verification process. 

So, in that case, you must provide that additional information through your account. 

Coinbase Identity document verification troubleshooting

In case you are constantly getting any such error message, then there is supposedly a problem with the verification service. Hence, you should try again after 15 minutes and see whether the issue gets resolved or not. If you continue to witness Coinbase identity verification not working error, go to the page and see if there is an issue with the Coinbase platform. 

In case you have uploaded your Photo ID but are still not provided the benefits of a verified account holder, then you should note that just uploading your ID is not enough. You also need to make sure that you have provided the correct information on the "personal information" page. 

If you are unable to verify your identity on Coinbase and constantly seeing the said error message, then you may have entered some incorrect details on the "Personal Information" page. Make sure that the information you feed on the verification page is the same as it is in your ID. 

How long does Coinbase verification take? 

To verify your identity on Coinbase, you need to follow a few set of steps. It completely depends on a user how much time it takes to complete this procedure. Once all the documents are verified and all the details are checked, it should not take much time on the Coinbase end to complete the process. However, it may take minutes to several days in some scenarios based on the following factors: 

To speed up the verification process, make sure that the fed details match all the details that are present in your Photo ID. However, in case the website is not operational or Coinbase not working, it may take some more time to complete the verification. 

How to bypass Coinbase ID verification?

Based on the Terms and Conditions of Coinbase usage, there is no way that you can use Coinbase without completing the Coinbase verification process. In case Coinbase identity verification not working, then you should not try to bypass it but try to complete the verification process once again. 

For identity verification, you will need some of your documents and you'll need to upload them. After uploading the documents and filling out the correct information in the account verification form, Coinbase will review all the details and your account will get verified within a few days or weeks. 

Even after verifying your details, if you are facing a Coinbase delayed transactions issue, then you should get in touch with the Coinbase support team. 

To Sum Up: 

Coinbase identity verification not working issue is common among several potential Coinbase users. In case you are also facing issues while verifying your identity on Coinbase, then you need to follow all the instructions that I have furnished in the sections above.