Senior Ads

Create your senior ad here with the code 14044. 

Ads due by 12/20!

What Are Senior Ads?

Also referred to as "baby ads" since they often include baby photos, senior ads are dedications included in the last 60 pages or so of the yearbook. They are a great way to pay tribute to your senior. Celebrate your student's accomplishments with a personalized message and a favorite photo. In the past, friends and family have included poems, anecdotes, and photographs (both old and new).  Your child will be so excited to see a dedication just for him/her!

Deadline and Pricing

Ads are currently on sale until December 20th and prices start as low as $50.  All ads have space for pictures and dedications.

2023-2024 Prices:

1/8 page- $50

1/4 page- $90

1/2 page- $160

Full page- $300

How Do I Make My Ad?

All ads must be created online through our ad creation site with the code 14044.

Once you confirm that you are ordering from Urbana High School, you will reach the sale page.

Follow the link that says Buy a Yearbook Ad and follow the steps to start creating your ad. 

Senior Ad FAQs

Where can I get some help if I can’t figure out the ad site?  

The first thing to try is to switch to Chrome.  It seems to work the best with the program.  If you still can’t get it to work, there is a great tech support line to help you.  Give Herff Jones a call at 866-287-3096.

Can you save me a space? 

Unfortunately, due to restrictions from the plant, we can’t save spots in the yearbook for ads. We can only guarantee you an ad spot in the yearbook if you complete, pay for, and submit your ad digitally by 12/20. Additionally, you cannot pay for your ad before it is complete.

What if I missed the deadline? 

After the deadline, we will sell ads on a first come, first served basis while spaces are available. We cannot guarantee there will be any ad space available to purchase after the deadline, as we cannot change our page count with the printer after this time.

Can more than one student share the same ad? 

Yes! You can place as many students as you like on the same ad while you are designing it. However, we do not have the ability to do cost splitting for orders, so the ad must be purchased and created from a single account.

Other questions? Email