Google Drive Files

Export FCPS Google Drive Files

To take your FCPS Google Drive files and other Google data with you when you leave FCPS, follow the steps below using the device on which you want to download your data. Read the Notes at the bottom of this document before starting.

To create a downloadable archive of your data:

  1. Open Chrome and log into your Google Drive and/or Chrome with your FCPS account.
  2. Go to Google Takeout at
  3. Click Deselect all, then select Drive by clicking its checkbox on the right. You can select other products as well if desired (Bookmarks, Calendar, Photos, Keep, etc)
  4. For each product selected, click the buttons for the product to select additional options
  5. Scroll to the bottom and select Next step
  6. Leave all settings as is (see Note below about Archive size), click Create archive.

To download the archive, do one of the following:

  • Wait on the screen that displays after step 6 above until the archive is ready, then click Download.
  • When your archive is ready, you will receive an email from Google in your FCPS Gmail account. In that email, click Download archive and follow the online instructions.


  • Graduating seniors and other students leaving FCPS after this school year will have until June 30th to complete the process above. Shortly after June 30, your FCPS login will be eliminated and you will no longer be able to access your FCPS Google account.
  • If you only want to keep some of your Google Drive files, prior to step 2, place these files into a single folder in your Google Drive. In step 4 select All Drive data included, click Deselect all on the popup window, and select just the single folder with your files.
  • Your archive will be broken into multiple zip files if the total amount of data is greater than the Archive size (max) selected. The default is 2GB, but consider increasing this if you have a lot of data to export and you have a tool that can unzip large zip files. For example, versions of WinZip prior to version 9.0 can only unzip files up to 4GB.
  • After unzipping your downloaded files, you can upload them to a personal Google Drive account (or other online file storage site) if desired to make the files easily accessible.