8 Orange

Please click the images below to view the videos or presentations. If you would like to view the video or presentation in a larger window, click the Pop-Out button in the upper right corner of the images below.

Michaud 8 Orange Social Studies.mp4

Mr. Michaud - Social Studies, kmichaud@esmschools.org

Fahy Open House.mp4

Mr. Fahy - Science, jfahy@esmschools.org

Gasparini -Open House Video 2020.mp4

Ms. Gasparini - Resource, cgasparini@esmschools.org

Hartford Virtual House.mp4

Mrs. Hartford - English Language Arts, thartford@esmschools.org

Oakley- Algebra 1 Open House.mp4

Mrs. Oakley - Algebra 1, toakley@esmschools.org

Oakley - Math 8 Open House.mp4

Mrs. Oakley - Math 8, toakley@esmschools.org