Class Information

picture of calendar

Important Dates

*Report Card Dates

*Conference Dates

*Party Dates

picture of ProgressBook login page


Click on the picture to the left to access the ProgressBook login page.

You child will receive report cards twice in 1st grade. Grades of AC, PR, and LP will be given for each semester.

*AC means your child is exceeding the expectation of a learning standard

*PR means that your child is progressing. This is where your child should be in most areas.

*LP means that your child is making limited progress in a learning standard.

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If you wish to volunteer at any point throughout the school year (including attending a Field Trip), you will need to fill out this background check.

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Student Login Info

For Chromebook and Google (, students log in with:

Picture of Google Classroom icon

Google Classroom

In order to access Google Classroom, you or your student first needs to go to and log in with the student's Google Account (see above).

Once they are logged into Google, you can go to to access Google Classroom.

picture of child reading

Scholastic Book Orders

I will periodically be sending home flyers from Scholastic Book Clubs. Please do not feel obligated to ever purchase, but they do have some great books at a low cost.

Our class code for online ordering is GM22M.

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Absence Information

If your child is going to be absent, please contact the office through the attendance line at (614) 718-8912.