Dowagiac Schools Health Services

New Enrolling Students and Incoming Kindergarten Students Forms can be printed and submitted at anytime to Suzanne Dorman RN at or faxed to a confidential fax line at 269-782-4447. The required forms are listed below. Please feel free to email Suzanne with any questions or concerns.

Printable Forms Packet:

Concussion Information and Acknowledgement Form:

Acknowledgment Form:

Concussion Information:

MCIR Consent:

Transportation Form:

Medication Authorization Form:

Message from the Nurse-

We have had many students that are out of school for various illnesses and I wanted to remind parents about our illness policy which states that children should stay home until they were fever free for 24 hours without the use of any fever reducing medication such as Tylenol or Motrin.

I wanted to remind parents that it is important for you to contact the school to notify us that your child is ill. The school is required by the public health law to report illness numbers to the local health department each week and the information we report is gathered from what parents report to the school. It is very helpful for our report if you can provide us with a basic idea of what type of illness your child is experiencing. Also if you child is seen at a physician office please bring in a written excuse from their office to document their illness. Any medication that must be administered at school must have a completed medication authorization form completed by a physician. Medication must be brought to school by a parent/guardian with the authorization form completed. This form can be obtained at the middle school office along with the Dowagiac Union School Medication Policy.

Even though we have had a mild winter, students are still wearing coats and hats so with those we find the number of students with head lice to be increasing. Please remember to check your child’s hair frequently during these times. If you notice any signs of head lice please begin the treatment process immediately. This process is very time consuming, but in order to keep the head lice from returning the entire process must be completed. If you would like information about the treatment of head lice please feel free to contact me at 269-782-4440 ext. 1129 or with any question or concerns.

Suzanne Dorman RN, MSN

District School Nurse

Dowagiac Union Schools