
Thesis Proposals

Edge and Fog Computing

Within the context of Edge and Fog computing, we have the following open topics that are worth to be explored and studied for a MSc thesis:

  • Edge/Fog-backed VR/AR application for Smartphones
    The purpose of a possible thesis could be designing and implementing a prototypal application for exploiting modern smartphones AR/VR (e.g. Android ARCore library) capabilities but supported by Edge and Fog Computing, for example for creating shared virtual experiences or environments;

  • Edge/Fog-backed VR application for Oculus Quest device
    The purpose of a possible thesis could be designing and implementing a prototypal application for the Oculus Quest VR Headset that make use of an Edge/Fog backend for doing computations or create shared environments or experiences.

  • Experimental study of offloading protocols of ML-based applications running on android smartphones

The purpose of this study is to measure the energy improvement due to offloading computer vision tasks to an edge server. Student will use Tensorflow lite, OpenCV, Yolo, etc.

If you are interested in any of these topics or you have further ideas for developing a thesis in the Edge or Fog computing area, please contact Prof. Roberto Beraldi ( or Ing. Gabriele Proietti Mattia ( to book a meeting.